A healthy credit score can make life much easier and enjoyable. Unfortunately, many people don’t realize how important a credit score is to getting the things they want most out of life, like a new car or a their dream home. Missing a payment on a credit card or allowing a bill to go to […]
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What Is a Bad Credit Score? 5 Things You Should Know
There has been plenty of talk about good and bad credit scores in the news lately. It is no secret that there plenty of people who have come to the realization that their credit scores are holding them back. The bad credit score is holding them back from owning a home, going to college or […]
Read MoreRebuild Your Credit The Right Way
Repairing your credit is the first step in rebuilding credit. To bring up your score, it takes patience, dedication and a willingness to change your ways. Credit scores are based on credit history. Meaning, creditors will look at several years’ worth of your credit history to determine whether or not you are a good credit […]
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